QiYi QiMing A Pyraminx - CuberSpace
QiYi QiMing A Pyraminx - CuberSpace
QiYi QiMing A Pyraminx - CuberSpace
QiYi QiMing A Pyraminx - CuberSpace
QiYi QiMing A Pyraminx - CuberSpace

QiYi QiMing A Pyraminx

$14.90 Sale price

QiYi QiMing A Pyraminx is the new and improved version of QiYi's entry level pyraminx. With many modern features and an even more affordable price, the QiMing A Pyraminx is expected to make the pyraminx puzzle event more accessible to all speedcubers of all ages.

Get one for yourself and start trying out the new puzzle at affordable price!

Properties Descriptions
Dimension (mm)
97.5 (width)
Sticker QiYi Standard Color Scheme
Weight 82.2g